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Lil Angels Rhoda has produced 2 outstanding foals since acquiring her.  And best of all she seems

to throw her intelligence as well.  I will probably never forget how calmly she behaved when she got off the trailer the first time she got here.  All alone in the yard (except for Larry and me) she calmly looked the place over and began to quietly lead toward the pasture area when our 2 silly dogs bounded into sight.  Rhoda just kept calmly walking where ever we wanted her to go, no wild eyed whipping around to keep an eye on the dogs (they keep their distance and are quiet) or trying to bolting.  Just calm and steady.  Not to say she is any sort of a dead-head, far from it.  She just thinks before getting upset.  Her son, Xanadu, is much like her in temperament.  She has had a foal by Persuasion and we are hoping to breed her to Armani after she has her year off..

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